Tuesday, March 08, 2005

i will make my own happy ending.

iTunes is spinning: matt pond PA -"champagne supernova"

so where have i been lately? let's recap. it's been a huge bradley and jenny weekend extravaganza. it started on friday. with plans of going to the LOO. and well we ended up leaving a little late. after picking up dANDY from work, we jetted off to the wierd 401, apparently in different directions from the 401 that i know of that you get into from the 403. . .. (hey bradley where's my maps and directions lesson?) so we hop onto the second ramp and away we go putting the pedal to the metal at 140kms, we arrived shortly in waterloo, making a pit stop to pick up cip. and it was phils we were off to. getting in ways easy, and after getting my hand stamped with a thursday stamp on a friday night, i had my first beer. oh stella you were a good first. after finding gram and co. getting their butts whooped in jitz (along with many other numerous members throughout the night). overall, it was a pretty good night, even with the psychic chic ranting from cip and andy. she was a mysterious one eh boys. we capped off the night with a really long wait for service and food at mels. but it was delicious i tell you. and then we stumbled home to miss sarah cale's place of residence and i fell into a deep slumber of dreams of fish tanks and beta fishies. it was horrible and wierd.

the rest of my weekend was pretty chilling, spent a lot of time infront of the tv and canoodling under a stinky armpit and feedingi the junk food needs of my stomach with munchies. . there were a many of hours clocked in playing burnout. i like driving with the supers. they go ridiculously fast and i feel like a ricegirl.

on monday after a good satisfyingly great perfect bacon and eggs sunny side up with brown toast breakfast at sunset grill, i bid goodbye to a stinky bradley and went home to wash off the greasiness of the weekend. but another great surprise awaited for me. my package from my sister. this was a highly anticipated event, and i detoured to south common to receive say package. it was like christmas and new years and my birthday and easter all rollled into one. and among the many lovely gifts i received this was the main attraction. so world, i would like to introduce to you the latest member of my L.A.M.B collection. miss donegal plaid clutch. and i was just thinking the other day of how i just needed a clutch to finish off my L.A.M.B. collection of purses, this being said because it is her last line. and there will be no mores.

today. i am put underhouse arrest until i get some workie done and some nutrition back into the system.

it's four o eight: and on april the 14th, i+1 am going star(s) gazing.


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