Monday, February 28, 2005

running for the indeterminable end.

iTunes is (secretly*) spinning: lindsey lohan -"over"

(*yes. i secretly have a guilty pleasure of listening to this song. i think it's maybe because it deosn't really sound like her other britney esque song nor is it overplayed on the radio. and i have that long to secretly enjoy this song some mores. which is prolly until tomorrow. since i just posted it here for the world to see. now radios all over the nation will play this song every hour sometimes maybe even twice an hour just to piss me off. but for those's still a no. a no that no i still dont' liek her movies and no she still can't act.)

okay. so this morning i woke up at 930. and yes that is am time. just to have a light breakkie and head off to the gym. since i did state earlier a few posts back that after my week of hell that i will get back into the gym to work the lobum. well. i did. i woke up at 930. ate. got dresssed. and proceeded to walk to the gym. and after getting up at 930 to get to the gym. i arrived in dismay to find that all the good machines i like are booked up till like noon. ridiculous. all i wanted to do was run off thirty minutes of restlessness out of my body. but instead of waiting around for two hours. i decided to walk back home and eat a bigger breakfast. well. i think today's workout was productive. so far the walk to the gym prolly killed a few calories. and now i'm eating hundreds of it back in woot woot. the world revolves once again. and tomorrow. we'll try our luck again. but maybe i'll try to wake up at 830 instead. maybe ..

it's ten three one: and i have this little itchy red patch on my cheek. can you saw EWWWWW.


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