Monday, February 14, 2005

please don't catch me when i fall...

iTunes is spinning: copeland -"every breath you take"

...i need to feel the pain of a heartbreak

so today was seemingly a day of good movies on teevee. starting with a showing of never been kissed which i managed to catch half of which resulted in me almost being late for work, and then now, on city tv they're showing basketball diaries. i also saw that the cmt channel was playing bridges of madison county... that's when you know you can't win 'em all.

and after seeing this guy on the green carpet being interviewed by star jones tonight for the grammy's, i officially have a new hottie crush. who knew that this multi tasking dude was so shy and sweet being. i guess it also helps that he's a total cutie. mos def, you've earned yourself another not so secret admirer.

as for how tonight's games went down. it was spent in. with my loverette lauren. we rented a girly movie, bought some munchie snacks and had greasy food all in our jammies and dirty hair. we have the house all to ourselves for reading week. brings back memoirs a la first year, when every weekend was lauren and jenny time. we were spoiled.

it's two twenty five: and from the hopeless romantic in in and to all the loves of my life, happy valentines day.


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