Sunday, February 13, 2005

killing a love that doesn't want to die...

iTunes is spinning: m83 -"don't save us from the flames"

Start . . .
spell your name backwards: ol gityah refinnej
what song makes you cry: songs don't usually make me cry unless i'm going through a heartbreak.
what do you listen to before you go to sleep: currently it's "the first rainbow i see will be the last" playlist off iTunes.
height: we're going to say five' four and a half"
hair color: light brown i guess, with darker undertones.
piercings: some here there.
tattoos: still churning.

Right Now . . .
what color pants are you wearing: currently adorned with purple undies "touchdown" and purple. aside from one boy's eyes who have seen my bum clad in these cute jams, the only other person who has seen them is the dude who dealt with the purchasing transaction at ae.
what song are you listening to: say anything -"colorblind"
whats the weather like?: i don't know. i've closed my curtains to shut out the dark and cold world outside. also to prevent any drooling freshmen boys from jumping out their window into my pink boudoir.
how are you?: fine. thank you. how are you?
have a bad habit?: i have a current addiction to sunflower seeds and jumbo toblerones.
get along with your parents?: we have a good civil understanding. they can't live without me and i can't live without them.
boyfriend/girlfriend: his name is mr brad.
have a crush?: adam brody.
have a big regret: yes. and only one could understand how hard it is to sit next to someone till five who is so amazing and into you, only to sit in fustration at the world because the timing will never be right. casualties of attraction, but we came out with hazy memories of bottled lust and angst and promises of tomorrow and a new year.

Favorite . . .
tv show: the o.c. lesbian love and all. because in the end, i have seth cohen and the poolhouse.
conditioner: currently using pantene pro v winter rescue. i don't really see a difference from the other ones. the marketers have failed me.
book: about to start "a heartbreaking work of a staggering genius" by dave eggers.
things to do on the weekend: the weekend starts on wednesday and this week it will be all work, school and play.

Have You Ever . . .
broken the law: i'm guilty of running red lights, speeding, and illegal turns sometimes.
ran away from home: no i had a happy home
snuck out of the house: haha yes! and sneaking a boy in is even harder.
made a prank phone call: who hasn't. or at least earned an assist in making one.
use your parents credit card: i actually haven't. not really surprised, but the thought definitely didn't occur to me back in my rebellious years.
skipped school before: it's too easy.
fell asleep in the shower/bath: i've had those five-ten seconds of shut eye in the shower trying to wake up in the morning.
been in a school play: i've been in the school choir and band.
had a boyfriend/girlfriend: hhaha this is so high school. *sigh.
been in love: love is suppose to hurt.
have a hard time getting over someone: the years gone by have glazed over most of the pain and erased the time. and looking back now, the heartbreaks were surely sore in the moment of the breakup. but now. i can look at them and smile, learn my lesson and move on with an easy heart.
been hurt?: i've got a semi-sexy bruise on my leg.
been dumped?: this is neither the easier nor the harder end.
gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: haha yes!

Random . . .
have a job: a boring but hotdamn good paying job!
your cd player has what in it right now: it should have "i can make a mess like nobody's business" ripping itself onto my book, but once again i forgot to poke bradley on finding it for me. ahem. *poke poke poke.
if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: right now i feeling like being "luminous green" or "scarlet yellow". yes i just made up those crayon color names.
what/who makes you happy?: sunshine, belly rubs, fun tickles, shoes and more.

When/What Was the Last . . .
thing you purchased: my pretty new coat from aritzia.
kiss: this evening.
phonecall: the mee mee.
you were depressed: never.
you were in the hospital: last week to visit hayley's sans appendics.

random #63:

random #64:

-i want to watch.

random #65

random #66
"The YSL woman ties her boyfriend up and drips hot wax on him before they have sex,The Gucci woman just has sex." -Tom Ford
-i am a gucci woman.

it's two three and another three: and my purple tshirt matches my purple underpants. unintentionally. rawwwrrrr!


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