Tuesday, February 22, 2005

wishing for the lost chances to resurface.

iTunes is spinning: all american rejects -"happy ending"

so. last night i had a sexy seven hour print session at sheridan. standing infront of a table and my screen silk screening for seven hours does damage to a body. words cannot express the tenderness i feel in my back, my neck my arms and especially my triceps. no wonder they look mighty buff today. at least i know i'm getting a good arm workout while doubling the duty of getting my work done. the drive home at four am i found that the world is a strange and lonely place. the entire drive down trafalger i did not see one single car. one stoplight. and upon arriving home, i could only count to two. that was the number of rooms still lighted upon this university campus. perhaps tonight i should go on a mission to find my fellow stayer upers. since tonight is still young but a long ways stretching for i have an essay due tomorrow. but at least my week won't be that much more painful after tonight, as the scheduled work session at sheridan for after class tomorrow was deemed cancelled after finishing up what i needed to do last night, i can fully relax after class and watch the gilmore girls. it's finally getting exciting as rory's finally getting it on with logan huntzberger. mmm he's droolworthy.

random #22
-speaking of droolworthy, as i mentioned to lauren moments ago as we ventured down together to do our laundry, that i've always wanted a laundromat romance. the weekly anticipated deed to clean my garments, while all the time secretly waiting to see the cute boy who also has the same weekly cleaning schedule as i. and hopefully this boy will come in the form or a tall, brown haired dorky guy with souful eyes and a sweet face and his name would be josh hartnett.

and so as i settle down in my navy blue boxer shorts and my hoody with warm booties on, i'll ponder away some more hours whitling the night away with more procrastination to be done before i start cracking on le essay. and here's a thought: if any of my so-called "best friends" ever left me on stage floundering like an idiot while they kept on shaking their bootilicious jelly... then well. that's just worse than a bad boyfriend. here's two words to take on the road with you -it's over. but then i guess i could see it as... having no shame in getting up and shaking my booty right along with 'em. but be a friend and at least lend a hand dudettes.

it's ten four three: and if anyone is wondering...that yes. when i was younger i did wear day glo coloured shorts.


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