Thursday, March 10, 2005

i'm not living in the past, i'm just stuck in the moment.

iTunes is playing: the shins -"kissing the lipless"

so today whilst searching the internet a la google styles, i came across a few interesting articles. bearing in mind that the topic i was googling for was "fashion photography" i landed on some really random things. but as usual, my internet searches seems to bring about endless images of cute animals and what nots. ahhh my ever fueling need and love for the internets.

1. the typo millionaires
2. the man behind the juice
3. how to get teens not to smoke
4. dunkin' donuts
5. things found only in america
6. jobs-words-fun.
7. anonymice i like

i think i've tapped out my daily quota of mindless readings on the internet for today and the rest of the week.

random #32
-china and any other still hardly civilized country with a whole in the ground for a means as a toilet for women should really consider getting a "auto-loo" system installed country-wide stat. if anything, i'll at least get over the heebie jeebies of having to pop a squat and pee all over my pants and maybe give me the incentive to actually want to visit shanghai and beijing and tiananmen square (i'm still holding off on the trek up the great wall though).

it's twelve four six am: and i need to take some jenny action into figuring out my life for the next year and a bit soon. but not too soon, for the rest of tonight i'll still be jenny action free and instead choo-choo-choose the choice to just lobum around snuggled under the covers of my pink blanket and read a non-school related book. jealous? good.


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