Wednesday, March 22, 2006

it's going to be a different kind of change.

iTunes is spinning: nothing

SOOOO are you ready?

Last night at my restaurant (KI modern japanese+bar)i got to seat the deliciously yummy jason behr. Who knew he was in toronto!? I should've introduced myself, or at least made an acknowledgement that i knew who he was, and who he is is a super hottie! Hah, a few of the girls and i made a fuss among ourselves, I am such a cheeseball. but i mean this is the first closest brush i've had with a celebrity which i'm slightly in love with, honestly, i sat the guy at table 15, he didn't want a coat check though. . .only josh hartnett could top this jenny celebrity citing.

mr behr.

ps-he's even more scrumptious in real life than he is on the roswell screen. hah. roswell. i think it's time to watch some more roswell, the one where future max comes back to dance with liz to "i shall believe".

now it's time to utilize the gogs to tell me if he's filming in town or he's just here on a random trip to pick up asian girls that work at modern japanese restaurants. hah!

it's three four one pm: and i'm one tired jenny.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

mustering words of self content.

iTunes is spinning: a headache

1. When u looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought of?
-how much i just wanted to snuggle myself back into the hopefully still semi-warm bed with yous.

2. How much cash do you have on you?:
-a grand tally of 16 dollars for the rest of the week, or until bradley gets paid on thursday :-)

3. What's a word that rhymes with "TEST":

4. Favorite planet?
-pluto, it's the 'tiny' one.

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
-dunno, it's too far away to check. okay so i lied it's sitting on the table beside me, but then that would still require movement to check. so dunno.

6. What is your favorite ring on your phone?
-i don't have one. i don't have a normal decent 'ring'. they all have to be some crazy melodies, so right now it's set to the wannabe super mario brothers tune. crazy asian phones.

7. What shirt are you wearing right now?
-bradley's warm fuzzy urban outfitters long sleeve shirt.

8. Do you "label" yourself?
-only with cool titles like POOP MASTER J!

9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
-well, seeing as i'm snuggled under the covers already, that would be no brand of shoes.

10. Bright or Dark Room?
-i like both, and to be of appropriate lighting at the right times. so if it's noon on a blazing sunny day, don't give me five o clock shadows or midnight moon lightings.

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey last?
-i don't think of them much actually.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
-watching the last episode of 24 season 3. in the words of jack bauer: "DAMMIT!"

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
-i don't really utilize the text message function on my phone that often, but the last text message was from the guy living in my new place right now informing me of when he'll officially be out and the place will officially officially be MINE!

15. Where is your nearest 7-11?
-bloor and spadina, but soon to be half a block away! yay for the best grape candies ever, oh and stale strawberry candies.

16. What's a word that you say a lot?
-i dunno, but i think i say a lot of words that end in "-ly"

17.Who told you they loved you last?
-the boy who loves me.

18. Last fluffy thing you touched?
-the expensive ones at the store that i lovingly caress my cheek with but can never bring myself to splurge on when i can get five dollar ass scratching towels from wal-mart.

*-okay at first read i thought it said "last fluffy towel you touched", but no it actually says last fluffy THING, which would be of course, the fluff monkers ABBERS!!!! she was being all mischeivous outside playing some some paper lights.

19. How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past three Days?
-i popped a vitamin C tablet. OHhhhh. okay so i lied, i actually popped 5 vitamin C tablets, but i think the recommended daily dosage is only 3. REBEL!

20. how many roles of film do u need to get developed?

21. Favorite age you have been so far?

22. Your worst enemy?

23. What is your current desktop picture?
-hahah funny, i actually had to check because i forgot, but it's a cute illustrated poster from the Brampton Indie Festival back in february that i never actually got to attend even though i wanted to go see The Most Serene Republic.

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
-yes lauren, i did put those underpants on your door....

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly, which would you choose?
-a million bucks. i could get a big screen tv, heck i could get you AND your friend a big screen tv as well, then fly our asses down to hawaii and surf it up like a rockstar, and then maybe buy a sweet boutique loft place and if there's money left over i'll donate it to the puppy foundation, but only after i buy myself a sweet little puppy.

26.Do you like someone?
-i like a lot of people.

27. Who?
-yous, yous and especially YOUS.

it's twelve twenty seven am: and tomorrow is training for KI part deux. this is the part where i finally ACTUALLY to taste all the delicious sushi they only taunted me with the descriptions of on saturday's training, only to succumb to the fact that i don't get to taste it till tuesday.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

saving my best foot to put forward at a later time.

iTunes is spinning: jenny lewis-"portions for foxes."

okay so last night the greeners and i had a long-over-due date and a half. she graced the dupont residence (maybe for the last time ever before we all move out) to play. it began with a very indulging and satisfying sushey dinner at of course none other than sush on bloor. when i move neighbourhoods (from the annex to the trendy queen st w.) i'm gonna miss sush on bloor being a 10 min walk away. i'm going to have to find my next local sushi haunt. yummers. okay, so sushey dinner was had with guest appearance put in by the miss Lmac and we all had ourselves a great time complete with ice-cream at the end. when you're with these girls they go all the way there is always room for ice cream! mmm.

next stop: after we dropped the working lauren off at home, me and co-slacker green went off to do ourselves a little shopping. however, with two whole hours of quality s hopping time, we didn't really get much done. only managed to mosey ourselves into 4 shops before time was up and the mall was closing. but it was successful enough for the one of us. the more important one. the one with MONEY! that one isn't me for those playing along in this game.

after shopping: we scurried ourselves up to the movie theatre as we (smart ones we are) bought tickets for the movie BEFORE we went shopping as we knew FAILURE TO LAUNCH was on it's opening night. successful opening night i might add. the theatre was rammed with people of all sorts, from girlfriends doing a girls night out, to your coupley couples doing their couples night boys !? doing their boys night out thing??? no comment. although there are comments on le movie. it was stupendous. and not only because matthew mcConaughey is H-O-T, but because it's one of the better love movies i've seen. i compared it to being v. similar in terms of a 'good jenny love movie', to an example being A LOT LIKE LOVE, with ashton kutcher and amanda peet. so yup. but downside to after watching this movie is that, the weather in the movie was unbelievably summery. SJP was in pretty cute pretty cute pretttttty dresses and cute little summer outfits. and did i mention it was summer weather in the movie!!! a jealous little girl i am. i have to be like the rest of toronto and wait for my summer to come.

although on the note of is coming. i can feel it! i can i can! the weather is being cooperative for once. and when you see the skirts coming out in full blast (albeit with boots and tights) you know that summer is just spying on us around the corner waiting for just the right moment to spring out at me and say HELLLO JENNNNNNNN!!! and then when that happens you can find me on the deck at bradley's house or at the beaches with my new bikini on!

it's nine four five am: and i am up this early because i have to go sign my new lease to make my new place officially mine. officially! then it's off to training for a new job that is in uncharted territories.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

falling apart, coming together, falling apart, coming together.

iTunes is spinning: alannah myles-"black velvet"

my life is finally coming together.

it's twelve four to pm: and i'm smiling again.

Monday, March 06, 2006

a time of estrangled times and changes.

iTunes is spinning: finch -"ender"

sooooo. it's been a long hiatus from the blogging world, and i am officially back.

today, i got really great news, after a good few weeks of hard endless and not so successful house hunt, i finally found my place. it was looking really grim there for the last little bit, it's hard finding a place when you don't have an income. that was duilly noted. but now, now, you are looking at an offically 'trendy' queen w. resident. on the same streets as the art galleries and cute eats. my place is tiny, it's literally just a room (bachelor) but i'm now in love with it, it's really quaint and above a furniture store. YAYYYYY. if you are not clausterophophic then you are all welcome to drop by if you're in the area for a cup of tea and a good gab.

in the meantime, it is going to be a crazy few next weeks with packing up and moving and unpacking and working part time as a LINDT master chocolatier handing out free gold bunnies and driving a mercedes smart car dolled up like a gold bunny, and lastly, finishing up my last year of school. this is definitely going to be a whirlwind kind of time. OH and thanks to utm, my last final of my university career is one of those special saturday exams. . .i guess it really doesn't affect me, but it's just funny. saturdays were not meant for school silly.

it's six two four pm: and tonight there is two hours of 24, and in the words of jack bauer: "DAMMIT, we're running out of time!"