Sunday, June 10, 2007

never a new beginning.

iTunes is spinning: room eleven -"bitch"

so, it's been a while. to say the least. but here's a rundown of what's happened in the last little bit.

on work: it's been going well, still on top, and awaiting that promo annnnny day now! which i'm excited for. it's still making me spend money on pretty clothes that well i really don't need. the boy doesn't appreciate it, but he keeps me in check for the most part. some days are more stressful than others, but i'm just hoping the step up is a good one.

on the itty bitties: they're growing up, well not really, either we have runt cats, or we just starve them...maybe a little bit of both, considering that yes, we do feed them adult cat food, even though they're technically still 'kittins' till they reach about a year and to put some cream on the cake, it's 'lean' adult food. haha i like it, i want them to stay tiny forever. the boycat is still the boy's favourite and onicakes is still mine, although she's been warming up to her daddycakes, she likes to have snuggle sessions with him during the day while i'm at work. she has these intense fangs that she likes to grate across your face as a sign of affection early in the mornings...especially when she wants food. and the boy still hasn't grown out of his quacking but he's still as dumb and dopey for feet nuggles as before. i'm glad that we have them.

on the homefront: the new house is doing well aside from a few kinks (not working oven, no screen door, no ventilation...anywhere) but the bigger space is definitely a treat from the old place. and the backyard has been delightful saving us money with allowing us to bbq most days and i'm even almost warming up to the sketchy, drunken, slumming neighbours that live in the other units... well almost. i just pretend that they are actually respectable working professionals.....that sometimes have domestic disputes that bring the cops on by or have big bonfires in the backyard at 3am. anyone still want to come by and visit!? at least the place is....mostly done. the kitchen is all set up, the bathroom is all set up, the living is all set up and the bedroom, well it's almost all set up.....see that was my one job...and of course it's still not completely done. secretly, i'm prolonging the process because i enjoy watching iron chef at midnight followed by sleepily watching CSI: miami at one, it's always a struggle as i get so engrossed in the episode that i want to last the hour to see how they forensically solve the crime....but yet the fatigue always takes over and i'm left wondering in the morning how it all went down.

on the birthday month: the month of june started with me reminding the boy that my birthday was fast approaching, then we had a big bbq party on the sunday to celebrate as well as housewarm our house with our friends meaning that they all had to bring booze, however the rain did keep a lot of people way, i was ok with it as the people that mattered or that i really cared to see showed up. and that's what counts. the sixth, the big special day was spent exclusively with the boy, we started out the day with me sneeping in until noontime and then we hit up the brasserie for some good ol' calamari (wasn't as good as normal) but still work it and then came the shopping around town. i think it's the only day he'll tolerate shopping with me for four hours all around the shops. goal was to find me some birthday sandals, and after a strenous search, i came up empty handed and have my eye on some mocassin booties instead. taking the boy shopping actually saves money, i still get to browse and satisfy my eye cravings, but he's there to stop me from buying "something i don't need", "something that's ugly" (even though he still bought me an ugly puke green tank top because i found it beautiful), "something that's too expensive", or really anything at all. but at least i got to go shopping! and we still made a trip to eb games to find burnout for the xbox for which we proceeded to go home to play and i handed his smashed up car served on a golden platter. i rule at burnout! nightfall came with a delightful and romantic dinner in the distillery district at pure spirits where the boy works. it was all around fantastic, we had oysters, pork rillet, salmon and scallops, tuna!!! and of course birthday dessert all accompanied by pometinis and vino!!! needless to say, i was spolied. now that the birthday day has ended, and birthday week has come to a close, all we have left to look forward to is birthday month!!!! and i leave you with some snippits of my birfday date with the boy i love.

it's one on two am: and CSI: miami has begun!



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