Saturday, September 25, 2004

i'm taking my kisses back, i want my kisses back

iTunes is spinning: Jimmy Eat World -"No Sensitivity"

i would like to know who to direct my thank you letter to for whomever is making the weather so beautiful and gorgeous lately. and according to the weather network, it will continue to be blazingly sunny for many more days to come. it gives me hope for a somewhat warmish winter ala first year times.

ever wonder people are always complaining about being so old but then all it takes is a second for you to stop and think and then realize again that hey, i'm only twenty-one. i'm too young to be thinking that i'm old. and so forever will i be only twenty-one. i'll still have time to go ga ga over first kisses and broken hearts, and splashing around in the rain wearing pink booties, and thinking that short mini skirts is appropriate attire so long as mr sun is shining, and how cellulite and calorie laden sweets will never stop being my best friend, and mostly.... remembering that no matter what... i'll always have my year as being twenty-one.

it's one-fifteen: and i'll never be too old for snuggles and bedtime kisses from a loved one.

Friday, September 10, 2004

sunkissed long before it's over

iTunes is spinning: Jimmy Eat World -"No Sensitivity"

the world don't spin without you
and I am amazed you're standing still
your problems, they aren't problems
be glad they never will
I'm taking my kisses back
I want my kisses back from you

this week in jenny's life: big events including a beautiful weekend up in the country with bright blue skies, sandy(rocky!) beaches and of course mr. sun giving us his full cooperation. i went to a corn roast, stood in a 2 hour lineup to get into a bar and rolled around in the sand all the while throwing a frisbee to a very enthused neverending entertainment for a stinky doggy. bright skies turned gray when it came time to leave the beautiful countryside and return back to suburban mrs. sauga where i (and company in toll) laboured ourselves with packing up my room and trucking 'er all the way into residence. sure the view may be nicer on the third floor as opposed to the first or second but walking up three flights of stairs with my heavy boxes of 'crap' is not. heh. however, the second day into residence brought upon tons of hot hot fun. note to all, the fire alarms in erindale hall are by far the most brain piercing ones i've ever had, the night went on to include someone's house getting soaked because somehow in someway they managed to set the sprinkler system off and the rest of erindale hall then got to sit around outside in the cold rainy night for 1 or so hours while the fire crew wrapped things up. oh joy. then the first day of school rolls around accompainied with only one hour of class followed by an awesome concert by Plain White T's from Chi-town opening for mr JIMMY EAT WORLD!!! it was at the mod club downtown. definitely a very cool small intimate venue for bands to play in. i've been wanting to see these guys for a while now considering i missed the sold out concert way back in first year i was definitely very very happy to have had the chance to see them last night. all the while making my sweet 9am-er class this morning seem like a blur as the remnants of jimmy's crooning still lingered as the prof talker her way through 30mins of introductions and syllabus talk and then another 10mins of course overview and expectation then i was allowed to go home and enjoy my weekend. i'm going to have to start getting used to the idea that 'the weekend (really doesn't) start on wednesday' no matter how much hey mercedes has convinced me this summer. alas. as my friday's midday has been spent lolling around in the rays of warm sunshine my now sunkissed body awaits the fun of friday night of which _could_ hold endless possibilities......

it's seven-twenty-nine: and i'm loving how your eyes tell a secret no one knows except for me.

edit: waaahooo! new commenting system courtesy of haloscan is now up. now i just gotta figure out how to get it to not stick next to my time posting....

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

'i'm missing you already'

iTunes is spinning: The Movielife -"The Future Freaks Me Out"

so last night i managed to watch and STAY AWAKE!! through two movies. it's a jenny first i tell ya. so first off was
-Resident Evil: i wanted to watch this because after seeing all the trailers for RE:Apocalypse and the sights of seeing Finnish Architect Viljo Revell's work go up in kabooms is an entertaining thought. that and all the americans who watch this movie will prolly have no clue that this building actuall exists and much less stands as a municiple building for our great city. anyways, it's funny that a some thirty or so years later, the 'two slabs of concrete one platform' as my toronto architecture prof described it as being is still viewed as such a modernist building. proves to show how toronto was once such an avant garde city with their modernist architecture, then somehow after that short period.... everything kind of started going backwards. but going back to the movie. i enjoyed it, for the lack of video gaming i've played of the game, but i enjoyed the movie.

next comes:
-Vanilla Sky: this has been a movie i started watching three times and FINALLY actually got to the end of last night. it's been a movie i've wanted to watch for a while not but just never really got the chance or never really stayed awake.... hee. but this was a very very good movie. it took a lot of concentration to keep up with what.... or more so what wasn't going on. but i'm glad i finally made it through the movie it's really good. that and i've never really seen penelope cruz in any of her movies, she's okay. but the accent sometimes makes it hard.

the following months of back to school and leaves changing seasons to fall are ones of great music comedoms! i'm sure i'll rant about these again and again but to reiterate we have *drunk roll please:
september 7th: senses fail "let it enfold you" album FINALLY drops!
september 9th: jimmy eat world show
september 16th: senses fail show
september 28th: the used "in love and death" album drops
october 12th: straylight run's debut album drops!!
october 19th: jimmy eat world "futures" album drops.
october 19th: lost prophets show (headlining is story of the year)
october 22: straylight run show (playing with hot rod circuit, northstar AND say anything.. wow.)

to say anything. i'm so excited i can barely keep my pants on... i may just have to wear a miniskirt to save the trouble. hah.

it's six-fifty-six: and i'm my bum's a shaking and my room's not packing itself.