Monday, March 21, 2005

i could kill for a laugh, but i would die for a tear.

iTunes is spinning: cary brothers - "blue eyes"

wow! i realized i've been neglecting my pet blog. that's right. there's been a serious absence of rants and blurbs about really nothing in general. but i'm back, no fears. i did not fall into a ditch and freeze to my frostbitten death. instead in the last week and a bit of my life i've:
-procrastinated a bunch
-slept a bunch
-read a bunch of women's magazines
-played a bunch
-did a bunch of schoolwork
-went to a rise against concert where i saw a bunch of big sweaty dudes. mmm.

and now here i am. for the next few weeks of my life it will be HORROR HORROR!! the next week will be okay i have nothing to do. so then just when i start to feel like a pimp i gotta get that, dirt off my shoulders...

so currently i'm craving some summerlicious weather and more slam banging concerts to go to. the last one reopened the thirst that needs to be quenched.

it's eleven thirty three pm: and this poofy jenny needs a pick up of a whirl.


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