Wednesday, May 18, 2005

bypassing the foreshadowing of the future.

iTunes is spinning: Fall Out Boy -"sending postcards from a plane crash."

this morning at approximately seven: fifteen am, my green alarm clock woke me up to shrills of beeping. but after serious debate of whether to shower and smell clean for class or sleep for another twenty snoozes or so, i opted for the latter scenario. which in turn gave way to me listening to the contemporary radio station 98.1 for their frequent weather updates in the morning filled with the ever so good eighties rock ballad and sometimes cher. . .i finally hauled myself out of bed and began the routine of walking up the stairs to pee and wash my face followed by a face snuggle with the many sweetum snookums (aka. kitties) that were just awaken by my tromp up the stairs. they think i'm their mummy and that i'm going to feed them. no luck sweeties, carri's still sleeping. after another few sneezies brought on by my latest bough of allergies/cold (can't really tell the difference right now...i headed back downstairs to change and make myself look presentable. so then twenty minutes later i was out the door. what was a breezy day yesterday changed into a pretty day today. mr sun was out and shining about, while the temperature was at a mild breeze. five minutes into my eight-ten minutes trek to the dupont subway station, i realized that i forgot to apply my lady speed stick in the "fresh tropical" scent. damn. good thing i already smell because i opted out of the shower option this morning. but not letting it phaze me i continued on my way at eight: twenty in the morning to make it in time for my nine am tutorial. arriving at the st. george campus earlier than anticipated i had time to grab my much adored large early grey with two milks and two sugars from timmys, but this morning i decided to throw in a little blueberry bran muffin action to anticipate a little pooping action later on (what too much info?). the morning tutorial was okay, the ta explained assignment one and let us out early which was good because i was dying to pee out the large tea i had just consumed. after the pee and all i still had some mores time to kill so this time i hit up the second cup in the SS building. i ordered a large butter pecan coffee, with a shot of white mocca, add in two packs of brown sugar and top it off with 1% milk and i was ready to jitter away to my marketing geography course. i really enjoy this course i must say. maybe because my first assignment is that i have to go and visit a mall. no really i do, then the second half of the assignment is that i have to go visit a retail strip on a designated road i'm assigned. for real i really do!!!

my day continues with just almost burning down the house with a stinky ass burner trying to make some soup and i have to do some actual reading for all these courses i'm taking (wow i know reading, what a new word in the jenny vocabulary.) and maybe venture off to do a little returning stuff action later. in the meantime, i've gots a kitty by my side who wants to cuddle and i'm the girl to call on (elmira.).

it's one: four six pm: and "i love you please don't eat me."


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